Driver’s License Suspensions
Many people think of traffic tickets as a minor nuisance. But they can add up to serious consequences. By simply paying your traffic tickets, you can accumulate enough to warrant a license suspension or even a felony arrest that could land you in prison. For example, if you have been cited three times in five years for driving with a suspended, cancelled or revoked license, you will lose your license for five years.
Driving While Your License is Suspended or Revoked (DWLSR) has two categories:
I. DWLSR With Knowledge Driving a vehicle with knowledge of the suspension or revocation of your license results in your arrest and possible jail time.
II. DWLSR Without Knowledge Driving a vehicle without knowledge of a suspension or revocation is a civil infraction that results in a traffic ticket (no jail time). The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) will mail any notice of a suspension to the address on your driver’s license. It will not be forwarded to any other address, so it is critical to keep your address updated with the DMV. If the DHSMV deems you a habitual traffic offender, your driver’s license shall be suspended for 5 years. After 12 months, you or your attorney may petition the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for reinstatement on a restricted basis.
Habitual Traffic Offender Status The DHSMV will designate you as a habitual traffic offender if you accumulate the following offenses within five years:
Three or more convictions of any one or more of the following arising out of separate acts:
Voluntary or involuntary manslaughter resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle.
Driving Under the Influence.
Any felony conviction in which a vehicle was used.
Driving a motor vehicle while his or her license is suspended or revoked.
Failure to render aid in the event of a motor vehicle crash resulting in the death or personal injury of another.
Fifteen convictions for moving traffic violations for which points may be assessed.
Please call us for a free consultation so we can review your individual case and explain your options. We strive to keep you on the road with a valid license.

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