Drug Crimes
Conviction of a drug crime in Florida requires a two-year suspension of your driver’s license. If you are licensed by a Florida governmental agency and you get convicted of certain drug crimes, the clerk of court will notify the licensing agency and you will lose your license to practice your livelihood. As you may be aware, Florida has shifted to minimum mandatory sentencing for certain drug crimes as well.
These are serious consequences. Our drug defense attorneys will tap our extensive experience to ensure you receive the best defense possible. Your drug case may be eligible for a diversion program that, if successfully completed, could result in a dismissal of your charge. Every county has different criteria for acceptance into drug programs.
Please call our office to discuss your case for FREE to learn how we can help protect your rights.
Facing Drug Charges
Lea P. Krauss represents clients facing the following kinds of drug charges:
Possession with intent to deliver
Delivery of drugs (Dealing)
Delivery of drugs within 1000 feet of school, park or church
Manufacturing drugs
Stolen prescription drugs
Doctor shopping
Possession of any narcotics including:
Crystal Meth
Protecting Your Rights
Narcotics cases almost always involve searches of cars, homes, and one?s personal effects. If police fail to execute a search warrant properly, search your car without probable cause, or fail to read you your rights after you?ve been placed in custody, the evidence they collect may be inadmissible in court.
As your criminal defense lawyers, we inspect every minute detail involved in your arrest and case. Vigorously defending state and federal constitutional rights, we promptly motion the court to dismiss any case where evidence is improperly collected or Constitutional Rights are violated.
Pursuing the Best Outcome
In cases where guilt is not in question, our drug defense lawyers work with prosecutors and the court to devise alternatives to lengthy prison sentences. Depending on your criminal history, we may be able to convince the court to reduce the charges against you by taking into account your good prior history, standing in the community, or other facts that may inspire leniency. We will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
If you are a first-time, non-violent offender, our firm will ask that you be considered for the Drug Court Program that allows you to avoid jail while receiving the help you need to get on with your life.
Every Problem Has a Solution
For information regarding what we can do for you, contact our office. Our experienced narcotics defense attorneys can help you take that first step toward getting your life back and planning for the future.

Our firm focuses on providing well-grounded, innovative solutions to your legal problems or those of loved ones. We are known not only for the high quality of our legal work, but also for the personal service we provide.